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Re: Kerberos authentication for X-Mosaic 2.4 and NCSA HTTPD

> I would strongly suggest taking this so far as to allow multiple 
> pluggable security providers using Dynamic Link Libraries.  Virtually 
> every platform of interest supports some form of DLLs.  This would 
> allow a corporation to customize for their particular authentication 
> scheme or allow RSA to provide a commercial encryption algorithm 
> without having to munge the sources and compile  (which I suspect is 
> beyond the capabilities of many potential customers) or better yet, if 
> the security provider standard is done right and is well written, plug 
> into any commercial Web viewer.  This also allows wide adoption of 
> trade secret sensitive algorithms without having to give out the source code.
> In my mind, this is definately the direction the Web should head to 
> guarantee its longevity.
> Modularizing the library is the first step.  Using DLLs is the second 
> and the last step is allowing for multiple providers.

yes. yes. yes.  i agree that we want to work towards a 'plug-in'
architecture.  it would let the web browser folks concentrate on
adding value to their user-interface, while letting the web-community
and the standards process get the security stuff done right.

it also would let the distribution channel concentrate on which
security modules are necessary/legal for a particular end-user.
a free-with-copyright browser could still exist and be distributed
on the net -- security-enabled, but with no plug-in's provided.

jeff hostetler
spyglass, inc.

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